Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton

Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton

Produced & Assist. Directed by James Dayton

Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton

Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton

Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton
Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton

Produced & Assist. Directed by James Dayton

Produced & Assist. Directed by James Dayton

Produced by James Dayton

Produced & Assist. Directed by James Dayton

Creative Directed & Edited by James Dayton

Creative Directed by James Dayton

James loves his clients. Oh wait. Let's try that again. JAMES DAYTON LOOOOOVES HIS CLIENTS! To be honest that's still probably a little too subtle. Over the past 10 Years James has left his mark on the video marketing world in a pretty remarkable way by Producing, Directing or working on videos that garnished:
- World-Renowned Awards
- Hundreds of Millions of Views
- Innovative Processes for Quicker Market Success
- Milions Upon MIllions of Dollars in Sales and Conversions
- Videos that have turned Companies into Household Names
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. About 5 Years ago (2017-ish) James's First Company, Jamestown Films was purchased by The Harmon Brothers. At the time James' Company was actually responsible for Producing, Directing or Assistant Directing most of the major conversion video projects that were coming out of Utah and helping to make companies millions of dollars. The process became quite predictable:
STEP 1) Marketing Agency Calls James to Produce Video for Company X
STEP 2) Video Goes Massively Viral
STEP 3) Video Makes Company X ONE METRIC BUTT-TON OF MONEY (Approximation)
STEP 4) Marketing Agency gets Praised. James gets a high five. But we're talking a REALLY good high five.
STEP 5) Companies X, Y and Z Hire Marketing Agency Again and Again
STEP 6) Marketing Agency hires James Again and Again
This was the process for years and years until Finally...James's Company started writing and producing THEIR OWN conversion videos directly for companies. And we're talking LIKE REALLY GOOD ONES!
VIDEO #1 - Homie was James's first solo conversion video. Just a month after it came out Homie became the Number 1 Realtor in the State of Utah and had the highest record sales month in company history.
VIDEO #2 - Grip6 Belts was James's second solo video. Not only is Grip6 still running James's Ad 5 Years Later making it one of the longest running Profitable Social Media Ads of All Time, but the video was so good that it got the attention of Jeff Bezos, who wore the belt into outer space alongside Star Trek's own William Shatner. So I guess you could say that James & Co. helped orbit James T. Kirk in more ways than one (spoiler alert: it's a belt joke).
It wasn't long after James produced the Homie and Grip6 videos that Harmon Brothers proposed that James combine forces with them as a part owner and partner. 4 Months Later James decided to give it a go. He spent 4 Years as a Creative Director grinding away creating videos that continued to make companies million upon millions of dollars.
As an Owner and Creative Director at Harmon Brothers James helped Defunkify reach their first Million and Million and a Half Dollar Revenue Quarters. He helped CuffedUp grow 1,000% over the course of a month. He even helped GoTreads reach their 5-Year Goal in only 5 Months as his Consultation, Creative and AdBuying blew them up over 5,300% in just 5 months! There were many more success stories and case studies that were born over these 4 years that you can find here on James's portfolio. As the years past at Harmon Brothers James missed running his own company and providing maximum value to the marketplace directly. So he parted ways with his friends over at The Harmon Brothers and went back out on his own.
So James is back. Doing what he does...what he's already done. Making the best damn videos for clients and the marketplace that launch them into the stratosphere (that's a literal reference for Grip6).
So if you've ever thought, "Hey, maybe this whole Capitalism thing where I make something awesome and people give me money for it" seems like something that you're into then schedule a quick call with James. Maybe the two of you can talk over how to blow up your company over a fishing trip, a round of Diet Mountain Dews or a Campfire S'More.
See You on the Playground.